Graphic & Website designer in Eynesbury, Victoria.
Gallery portfolio & case studies of work produced by McLean Multimedia.
Instil Botanical Alchemia.

Owning 3 different brands offering similar products to similar target audiences was confusing and expensive to maintain.
Landair Surveys.

To get to any part of the website took up to 4 clicks! Therefore, a focus on making the site more user-friendly was paramount in the redesign.
Grass Graphix.

Creating huge impact out on the field with grass logos and sign writing services in Victoria.
Anna Siljama Hypnotherapy

Standing out from the alternative options by projecting a strong and professional look.
What customers are saying:
“Helen at McLean Multimedia designed all of my branding from a questionnaire, that at the time seemed to be some strange questions that got me thinking…but clearly she knew what she was doing!
I’m so happy with the process from start to finish-the label design, the website & getting it up & running smoothly. Helen’s friendly, professional manner, creativity & vision is second to none.”
Jody Wood, Instil Botanical Alchemia